The Ethiopian Commercial Code of 1960, the Banking Business Proclamation No. 592/2009, Bank Corporate Governance Directives No. SBB/62/2015, the Insurance Business Proclamation No. 746/2012, and the Commercial Registration and Business Licensing Proclamation of 2016 are the principal sources on corporate and financial governance.

ELO provides strategic advice on a full range of corporate, financial, and commercial matters, general corporate counseling, and regulatory assistance for international and domestic businesses in all stages of development.  Our services related to:

  • Providing legal advice on the legal and regulatory framework related to the banking sector;
  • Advising clients on matters related to external loan agreements and related security documents;
  • Advising foreign companies on issues related to foreign exchange and remittance;
  • Providing advice on sovereign loans, sovereign guarantee issues;
  • And many more.